
In Kenya, Light of Love serves with Bright Hope ministry and the Mathare Community Outreach. We spend time in the Mathare Slums at the local schools, churches, visiting locals in the homes, helping with a feeding program, visiting the Kariobangi Children's Home and taking the children on a field trip. This mission trip ends with a Safari in the Masai Mara.

In Malawi, Light of Love partners with Villages in Partnership. VIP shows us the villages and all the areas they are helping educate, teach, empower and love to help fight extreme poverty. You will get to spend time with the villagers, eat lunch and listen to the locals and chiefs, visit some schools and preschools, take part in helping with different activities, such as carrying water, help building a bridge or building, and visit a farm. This mission trip ends with an African Safari.

Teams to Ethiopia will travel to Addis Ababa to serve with several different ministries. Ethiopia is a beautiful country with amazing people, delicious food and the best coffee (it is, after all, the birthplace of coffee). We will learn about the amazing work being done by the ministries we visit and come home with a better understanding of the needs and the culture of Ethiopia.

In Uganda, Light of Love partners with Replenish International. Replenish serves the missionaries in Uganda. Front line missionaries pour out everyday in Uganda and Replenish pours back into them. Serving them could be organizing a VBS or fun day with the missionary children, hosting a worship night for missionaries or a missionary appreciation BBQ. Some Uganda mission trips have the possibility to end with an African Safari.

Light of Love Ministry partners with Christ Church of Oakbrook to send teams to Burundi. Christ Church has newly partnered with World Relief Burundi. World Relief serves local populations of refugees but also promotes development internationaly. Their Burundi office works to unite the local church to develop Gospel solutions to local issues. This vision trip offers participants the opportunity to see the unique way World Relief approaches development by empowering the local church.